
慈云数据 2024-08-23 网络资讯 63 462

你是哪国人用英语的说法是Where are you comefrom?或者是Which country are you from?这两句都是表示你是哪国人的意思,其中Which country比较明显一些,而Where就比较广泛,可以问国家城市等,根据情境来提问即可表达询问国家和国籍的英语口语What#39s your nationality?你是什么国籍?What#39s;Where are you from这句话的意思是“你是哪里人”,是一句很常见的问句,用来询问对方的出生地或家乡在英语中,“where”是一个副词,意思是“在哪里”,“are”是助动词,“from”是介词,意思是“从哪里”,“you”是主语,意思是“你”因此,“Where are you from”的意思就是“你。

“你是本地人吗” 英语可以表述为Are you a localAre you a native根据美国当代英语语料库COCA,两种表述都是ok的但是两种表述在用法上还是有一些细微差别如果用local,一般后面会接上身份,比如图片中所列举的Are you a local hunterartistgirlman如果用native,一般后面会接上;1Where are you from Where do you come from where are u from2例句唐娜,你是哪里人老实说,我是土生土长的高雄人Where are you from, donna? To tell you the truth, I was born and raised in kaohsiung。

Where are you from?I#39m from the Phillipines有疑问请追问;Beauty girl,where are you from?望采纳。

你会讲中文吗?和你是哪里人?的英文怎么说Can you speak Chinese ? Where are you from Where do you come from? Where is your hometown ? Where is your birthplace? 提问者评价 太给力了,你的回答完美解决了我的问题! 评论 lifeEnglishman 十四级采纳率62% 擅长英语翻译英语考试出国留学中考高考;Where are you from?I#39m from Xiapu下次在不知道,可以在汉译英在线翻译就可以了查了。

Hello everyone My hobbies are listening to music, reading books, playing the guitar and pc games I feel a little regretful for not having studied hard in the past , but i will try my best from now on I don#39t like english actually, cause I#39m a Chinese, I love my;AWhere are you come from?BI come from AmericaA Where are you live ?B I am live at White StreetAWhat is your NAME?B My name is TomA What is your phone number?B My phone number is 6 一般应该先问名字,再问来自哪里,这些问题。

你是哪国家的人 What nationality are you?简单点说就是 where are you from;Where are you form?What nationality are you?你是几年级的,这么简单都不会,要加油。

你是哪里人翻译成英文是quotWhere are you from?quot解释如下当你在不同的语境中遇到这个问题时,其具体的表达方式可能有所不同这是因为在不同的场合或与不同背景的人交流时,人们可能会使用不同的英语方言或变体但是,无论在哪种情况下,quotWhere are you from?quot 都是用来询问一个人的出生地;可以问的有这样的短语结构 只不过问人家是哪里人,不是这样问,这是问国籍问人家是哪里人一般都用where are u from但你说的话是对的,只不过是一般用而已你可以想想,如果人家想知道你是哪里人,却问你,你的国籍是哪里,你是不是感觉很怪。

第一种翻译,I#39m ChineseHe is AmericanYou are Australian第二种翻译,I#39m a ChineseHe is an AmericanYou are an Australian第三种翻译,I#39m from ChinaHe is from AmericaYou are from Australia;你好,你是哪里人的英文翻译是where are you from?中文近似发音是喂儿啊游福luang。




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